We cordially invite all parishioners and guests to the Lenten retreat, which will take place at Sacred Heart Church in Kitchener on March 4th to March 6th, 2022. The retreat will be led by priests from the Oratory of St. Joseph of Mount Royal in Montreal.

Plan of Lenten Retreat

Friday, March 4th ( Polish and English)

6:00 pm – Exposition of the Relic of St. Andre Bessette

6:30 pm – Eucharistic Adoration

7:00 pm – Holy Mass (Polish) with Retreat preaching in English

8:00 pm – Veneration of the Relic and blessing with the Oil of St. Joseph


Saturday, March 5th

4:00 pm – Exposition of the Relic of St. Andre Bessette

5:00 pm – Holy Mass with Retreat preaching (English)

6:00 pm – Eucharistic Adoration


Sunday, March 6th

8:00 am – Exposition of the Relic of St. Andre Bessette

8:30am – Holy Mass (Polish) with English preaching

9:30 am – Veneration of the Relic and blessing with the Oil of St. Joseph

10:00 am – Holy Mass with Retreat preaching (English)

11:30 am – Holy Mass (Polish) with English preaching

12:30 pm – Veneration of the Relic and blessing with the Oil of St. Joseph

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2021 Sacred Heart Church